Friday, August 27, 2010

Scenario Design in FTD

With characters, and by extension NPCs, taken care of, the last of my goals is to find a way to make scenarios completely off the cuff. Even the most stripped down system requires heavy prep when you get into scenario planning. Again, that would be fine in a standard setup, but when the game comes up spontaneously something faster becomes necessary.

With minimizing prep in mind, I return to the scenario prep method used in Wilderness of Mirrors, which puts it all on the players in an interesting way. They make the scenario as part of the game, and then I as the GM have license to change key details as they progress. Oops, the person you're extracting switched offices last week. He's actually three floors up now. That sort of thing.

The one thing this doesn't facilitate well is the double cross, which is a Shadowrun staple. Runners are hired for something, and then halfway through they discover that the job is actually nothing like what it appeared on the surface, and said revelation turns out causing a whole lot of problems that weren't there initially. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure how to work this in, but I anticipate getting practice on various theories. Right now I'm thinking it'll be some on the fly riff on the existing way the rules suggest you alter player provided details. It deserves more thought, and it's the one lingering issue. We'll see what I come up with in time.

In the meantime, suggestions are welcome. 

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